I'm looking for a GUI client (preferably Windows) that will recognize when you copy files remotely, and will default to running a local shell command (f.a :

sfpt> !rsync -a /files/ /copyoffiles/

in SFTP)

Does something like this exist already?


3 Answers 3


There're lots of web file managers, one of them may do the job. I recommend eXtplorer: nice, fast & handy :)


AFAIK there's no such feature in SFTP itself. I believe you'd better learn how to manage files over SSH :) Repeated actions work well with cron, all the rest can be done manually or with the help of some simple bash scripts

  • It's not for me, but for the designer, who has to be able to copy large projects locally. I tried getting him to log in using ssh and run the shell commands himself, but he does not want to... The feature does exist : Just try prepending the shell (bash/sh/whatever is set for the user) command you want to run remotely with an exclamation mark (!) in the sftp shell.
    – Powertieke
    Jan 19, 2010 at 11:16
  • Maybe some web file-manager would do the job for him better? I've not heard of any SFTP clients capable of that. Dolphin - KDE's file manager - also fails to copy files locally on the remote host: there should be reasons for that :) For instance, rsync may be missing or '!'-commands are disabled as a security risk.
    – kolypto
    Jan 19, 2010 at 12:00
  • Recommend me a web file-manager for php/apache/linux rhel5 in another answer and I'll accept that answer! Thanks!
    – Powertieke
    Jan 19, 2010 at 12:30

http://winscp.net/ may be worth investigating for your designer.

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