I have a 9.10 Ubuntu Server installed and I want to make it a print server and am trying to get access to the cups browser admin page from a windows client machine. I installed cups:

sudo apt-get install cups

then I edited the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file and tried several different listen cominbations:

Listen #ip my router gives it3
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock #already in conf file
Listen fileserver:631 #hostname of server
Port 631 #listen for all incoming requests on 631?

samba is also installed (which I think is necessary to share the printer out?

and finally I added my user to the lpadmin group:

sudo adduser tone lpadmin

but when I try to navigate any of the following I get 403 forbidden


What did I miss?

4 Answers 4


You might find the answer in the logs

sudo tail -f /var/log/cups/{access,error}_log


Listen *:631
  • this partially solved my issue, had to change a few others things as well
    – Tone
    Mar 28, 2010 at 21:48

I'm pretty sure CUPS allows Admin / web access from localhost only by default. If you're not on the same computer as CUPS, you may need to add
Allow from
to your cupsd.conf <Location> sections.


I found a sample on the internet somewhere - had to make some changes to my config file:

# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
#Listen localhost:631
Listen *:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all
BrowseAddress @LOCAL

# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic

# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
  Order allow,deny
  Allow localhost
  Allow @LOCAL

# Restrict access to the admin pages...
<Location /admin>
  Order allow,deny
  Allow @LOCAL

# Restrict access to configuration files...
<Location /admin/conf>
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  Order allow,deny
  Allow @LOCAL

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