I've developed a java application that need a ssl client certificate and in the staging environment with apache 2.2 and mod_jk it is working fine. In production the configuration is not using mod_jk but mod_proxy_ajp. I'm looking for an apache configuration example that configure ssl and mod_proxy_ajp for sending the ssl client certificate to the java application server (which listens with the ajp protocol). Thanks a lot


3 Answers 3


Using mod_proxy_ajp, you will need to set the RequestHeader directive to pass through the SSL parameters. Just refer to the Apache docs for examples on setting the directive either in a <Location> or <VirtualHost> section.


I setup an apache web server and I found that mod_ajp forwards the client certificate without explicit configuration. my apache configurations is SSLEngine on SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData ProxyRequests Off SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca Allow from All ProxyPass /sportellosociale ajp://localhost:8009/sportellosociale ProxyPassReverse /sportellosociale ajp://localhost:8009/sportellosociale*

I omitted the SSLCertificate directives


Mine is configured like so (although this configuration breaks any additional mod_rewrite rules that I create... and i dont know why):

<Location />
    ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8009/
    ProxyPassReverse ajp://localhost:8009/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} 
Redirect permanent / https://mysite.com/myapp?user=

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