I had to deploy an application that was not written by me onto the above configuration. It is a rather bizarre hybrid of asp.net and classic asp and it's the classic asp that is proving troublesome.

The client is having problems with 500 Internal Server Errors appearing and I can see some of these in the logs but I only get the error code and the page name but little else.

What I would like to see is the actual error message to at least give me an idea what is going on (or not going on, depending on your point of view)

I don't want to display errors in the browser as I don't know the code well enough and this could (for all I know) display some crazy code where the db password is hard-coded into the site.

1 Answer 1


Look at the ASP properties for your site. Under "Debugging Properties" there are 2 settings that are relevant to your situation:

  • Enable Log Error Requests - if set to True this should cause all errors to be written to your IIS log and to the client browser
  • Log Errors to NT Log - if set to True this will cause all errors to be written to the Windows Event log

I believe the ASP config section is (by default) locked from editing at the site level. You will either need to make the changes server-wide, or unlock the setting first.


  • Enable Log Error requests was enabled already yet it just says '500' with no line number etc. I did enable NT logging so hopefully this will show me the actual problem! Perhaps the problem is not in the code? May 29, 2010 at 12:48
  • make sure to restart IIS
    – MeSo2
    Dec 24, 2021 at 18:19

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