I have configured nagios in my environment and i have used the following setting for a service which monitors the disk space for every 10 min ,

Normal check interval =10 min
retry check interval = 1 min
Maximum attempts =2

But accoring to this values i should recieve my first alert after 10 min and then from there for every 1 min. But in my case i am recieving my first alert and then next alert comes to me after 20 min. Can some one help me in fixing this.

  • No, you are wrong. You should get alerts after 11 mins, not 10. Could you post your service object definition? Tore
    – tore-
    Jun 3, 2010 at 8:04
  • FYI, checking disk space every 10 mins is just silly.
    – tore-
    Jun 3, 2010 at 8:04
  • Consider accepting an answer if one of the answers solved it ;-) Jun 4, 2010 at 7:14

3 Answers 3


Check retries has nothing to do with the interval notifications are sent. Use this parameter in your service definition:



check if you have is_volatile set to 0 if not then set it to zero and your notification interval will kick in and start working.


How many servers are you monitoring? Because I am afraid that you have 2 servers being monitored. The check interval does like a 'round' of checks for all servers, so if you have, for example, 3 servers, first one gets checked at 0:10, second one gets checked at 0:20 and third one gets checked at 0:30. So the first one is going to get checked again at 0:40.

Also the retry check interval is the amount of time Nagios waits until try to check again the same server if it fails or can not connect when doing the check.

  • Where did you get the idea about this round? I have never heard of that.. Also when I look at my service checks via the web gui, last check and next scheduled check are exactly check_interval minutes apart regardless of how many hosts have that service. Jun 3, 2010 at 13:37
  • I have configured Nagios3 for monitoring 2 webservers and the gateway host. When I set it up once to get checked each 10 min, Nagios didn't check all at the same time, leaving 10 min between each host check. Later I changed the check_interval value to 5 min, as I have it now, and still have the same behaviour. Maybe I am missing some configuration detail which I don't know, but I got this idea from user experience.
    – Dez
    Jun 7, 2010 at 7:46
  • Dez, your understanding of Nagios scheduling system is all wrong.
    – tore-
    Jul 27, 2010 at 9:37

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