I am using Apache2 . Serving image and code on the same server. I want to make image serving on different virtual host like "img.domain.com" and code on main host "domain.com" .

And question is if i can limit the bandwidth of image serving virtual host , because if virtual host goes out of bandwidth it will not effect the main host.

I am very new in server management thing (more a programmer).

I hope the above makes sense :P .

Thanks in advance .

1 Answer 1


You may want to check "mod_bandwidth" for apache.

download link, http://www.cohprog.com/v3/bandwidth/download-en.html

here is documentation. http://www.cohprog.com/v3/bandwidth/doc-en.html

i've never used this module, so if you consider it to install a test server before production server. you can use apache testing tools httperf http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/httperf/ to emulate your production server.

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