I am looking for a good load balancing (or reverse proxy) software for TCP and HTTP, any suggestions?

5 Answers 5


For HTTP, look at Nginx, Varnish, or Pound. For general TCP software load balancing, look at HAProxy and Balance.


HaProxy might be of use to you.


nginx works quite well as a caching reverse proxy and can be configured in a load balance/fail-over setup. Perhaps if you can describe the application we can provide you more specific recommendations.


If it's even remotely possible I'd recommend using round-robin DNS.

  • its cheap (free)
  • easy to configure/manage
  • pushes fail-over functionality to the client allowing multi-site failover without split-brain issues
  • it doesn't break
  • session affinity is implicit (even for stateless HTTP)



haproxy is the best loadbalancing software I came across, I can highly recommend it, even for high traffic (>100mbit/s) websites. Pound sucks performance-wise and does not have a lot of basic features.

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