If have a draytek 2820 series router that continues to disconnect my ssh sessions after approx. 5 minutes. I suspect it disconnects other stuff as well, because users have been complaining about having to send large emails twice, after receiving errors.

I tried altering the MTU and other stuff to no avail. The router is behind a DOCSYS modem, can this have something to do with it?

1 Answer 1


Your ssh problem sounds like a problem with an idle connection; I don't think it's the MTU, as that would cause other strange problems.

  • probably yes, but are there any generic settings for routers or DOCSYS modems that affect idle connections? I could not find them.
    – Jasper
    Jul 28, 2010 at 13:12
  • It is easiest enough to test if it is the idle timer -- simply sit there for 5 minutes hitting the space bar every couple of seconds. If you still get disconnected its no the idle timer.
    – Peter
    Jul 28, 2010 at 18:57

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