how can I search for two or three months old passwords on a Windows domain controller?

I am an administrator on this domain.

  • 1
    Its difficult to determine what your after, are you looking to retrieve a list of users who's passwords will be expiring, or do you want to find out what a users password was 2-3 months ago?
    – Sam Cogan
    Jun 2, 2009 at 12:10
  • i want to find out what a users password was 2-3 months ago?
    – kartook
    Jun 3, 2009 at 10:16
  • You could accept the answer now. This way it's clear that it is the right answer to your question. Thank you!
    – splattne
    Aug 2, 2009 at 14:42

4 Answers 4


dsquery user -stalepwd 60

Returns a list of all users with a password age of 60 days or more.

  • Kara mafia This is what i want exactly ..Thank you so much for kind help
    – kartook
    Jun 3, 2009 at 10:34

have a look at this artice from the microsoft scripting guys



I'm not exactly sure I understand what you're asking for. But take a look at dsquery.exe, which can retrieve many interesting things from an Active Directory.


The ActiveDirectory extension to PowerShell GUI will also provide an extensive list of fields when exporting to CSV a list of AD users including password expiration

  • Finally i am expert to generate the reports on AD now .thanks to everyone guys .really i was learned this from here all
    – kartook
    Jul 10, 2009 at 11:15

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