I want to force OS X 10.6 to use the hostname that I assign it but still be able to use DHCP.

The old method of editinng /etc/hostconfig is not good anymore, the file containing "This file is going ways" message at the top.

How to do this?

  • Why is DHCP issuing a hostname? If no good reason, switch it off at DHCP level.
    – dunxd
    Sep 22, 2010 at 11:18
  • 2
    LOL, I suppose you are working in a micro-environment :)
    – sorin
    Sep 22, 2010 at 11:21
  • See also superuser.com/q/49891/57219
    – Phrogz
    Apr 11, 2013 at 17:06

2 Answers 2


I ran into this problem too, at my wife's school, where they have a DHCP server. She's running 10.6.6 Snow Leopard. Everytime I'd open Terminal on this network, the hostname would be set to something else.

I found a solution posted by user "Wolf" on SuperUser. If for some reason, the post is gone, here's what Wolf mentioned, that worked for me:

Set it in the Terminal with
sudo scutil --set HostName <putinyourhostname_or_fqdn_here>
like in: sudo scutil --set HostName server1.mynetwork.com

Worked like a charm. I'm hoping when my wife takes her laptop home and returns on Monday I won't have to re-run this command. :)


Not sure if it still works on Snow Leopard, but this used to work on Tiger at least:

In /etc/hostconfig:


(See http://www.geektimes.com/macintosh/os/x/10_0/core/hostname.html )

  • 3
    This answer is no longer valid for current OS X versions. See the answer here superuser.com/a/50104/57219 which works at least up to 10.8.3
    – Phrogz
    Apr 11, 2013 at 17:07

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