I have an PL/SQL Script that I'm trying to run from the command shell with SQLPLUS. However, whenever I go to run it, All I get back is a number and a cursor waiting for some input. When I hit enter, it just increments the number and repeats the process. Here is a dummy query that does the same thing

set serveroutput on

    cursor getServerTime IS
        SELECT sysdate as t  from dual;

    myTime getServerTime%ROWTYPE;
    open getServerTime;

    FETCH getServerTime into myTime;


    close getServerTime;

to run this from the command shell I use: sqlplus me/myPass@myDB @"dummy.sql"

1 Answer 1


You need to terminate your script with another line after the END; containing a '/' in the first column, thusly:

set serveroutput on

    cursor getServerTime IS
        SELECT sysdate as t  from dual;
    myTime getServerTime%ROWTYPE;
    open getServerTime;
    FETCH getServerTime into myTime;
    close getServerTime;

When you create a PL/SQL block via SQLPlus, the '/' tells SQLPlus to run everything you've put into the buffer since the last command executed. The incrementing numbers you're getting is SQL*Plus giving you the next line number in your script - it's waiting for you to tell it you're done.

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