
This stat shows that PHP is used by 75.2% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know. http://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/programming_language/all

And this page shows that PHP is the least used server-side language in ranked by usage on top websites


Does this mean PHP is used for quick and easy website where other languages are used in more complex websites?

1 Answer 1


The language doesn't matter, it's the way you write your application. PHP has got a bad reputation over the years, which is (from my point of view) mainly caused by the bad quality of many scripts, boosted by the simpleness to write your application. (mod_php, wide availability in webhosting packages) Big sites like Flickr and Facebook are also using PHP (with other languages). To write a complex site you don't need to go with one technology, often it's better to use other ones ,for some parts, and let them work together to create something awesome ;)

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