i ordered a domain (e.g. www.myNewDomain.com).

Now I will redirect the domain www.myNewDomain.com to my Windows ISS 7.0 Server which is sub.MyOldDomain.com.

But in the domain A-entry is only a IP enterable, what to do?


2 Answers 2


Instead of using an "A" record, you can use a "CNAME" record. CNAME records point to an alternate domain and work similarly to A records. So, going to www.newdomain.com will return a CNAME record of "sub.olddomain.com" along with the A record for that domain.


Direct www.mynewdomain.com to the IP address of your IIS server (i.e. of the IP associated with sub.myolddomain.com) and then configure an additional site using a "host header" in IIS for www.mynewdomain.com. See e.g. Configure a Host Header for a Web Site (IIS 7) for how to do that.

  • So in the Bindings enter the IP of the server from www.myolddomain.com and any port I want? And then IP:Port to reach it via internet explorer? Jul 21, 2010 at 9:35
  • First, add an A-entry in your DNS server to point www.mynewdomain.com to the IP of your server. Then, either create a new web site in IIS or add a binding to an existing one. In the binding, enter the IP of the server, port 80, and www.mynewdomain.com as "host name". Then you should be able to reach your site via mynewdomain.com as expected.
    – earl
    Jul 21, 2010 at 10:13
  • I have allready a Port 80 redirect with a other domain, so the port is blocked. Jul 21, 2010 at 10:34
  • The whole point of "host headers" (aka "name-based virtual hosts") is that multiple domains can be hosted using a single port.
    – earl
    Jul 21, 2010 at 16:30

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