There are 3 squid releases in squid's official website: 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1.

I am confused, which one should I choose?

  • If you have no specific requirements, go with the newest 3.1
    – Chris S
    Feb 10, 2011 at 2:09

5 Answers 5


You will need to go with 3.1 if you want to proxy IPv6 traffic. Otherwise, I would install the latest version packaged for your distribution.

  • is there any suggestion about stable or performance different of these squid versions.
    – Leon
    Feb 10, 2011 at 5:57
  • All versions are stable. 3.1 is quite new, and 3.0 was a major rewrite.
    – BillThor
    Feb 10, 2011 at 6:15

Choose whichever one has packages in your chosen distributions repo. Preferably ones that get maintained. Or just choose the latest ;)


With 2.x versions of Squid certain interactive features, such as Google's instant search do not work correctly. Hopefully, you are using a recent enough distro where 3.x is an option.


Squid 3.0 has NTLM auth using LDAP, that is very very cool if you have a windows network behind squid.


Depends on your use case. There are a number of features that exist in 2.7 and not yet in 3.x because they were in part developed in parallel. I'd start reading at the Squid 2.7 link and compare on the functionality you need. One of the reasons I've stuck with 2.7 is because of StaleWhileRevalidate but most users are looking more for controlling content and 3.x tends to do that better.

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