I've been using Wim2Vhd to create native boot vhd files. (I'm using this to keep several development environments ready, I'm a developer, I know -- I need help ;-)

Now the first boot always ends up in several minutes installing all of the windows updates... I' know I could avoid this if I had a massive list of qfe (.msu) packages that I could supply to the command line of Wim2Vhd.

Where can I find all of the updates so I can download them.

I have found this: http://www.megaleecher.net/Downloading_Microsoft_Windows_7_Offline_Updates but I'd like a more official source and I'd like an easier way to download them all.

I'm a developer, so if I find the information (web service?) to get all the current packages, I'll build a tool to download them to a single location and generate a list of them for use with Wim2Vhd.

1 Answer 1


I increasingly want a solid, reliable solution for this at work. I think you need something like the offline image patching functionality of MDT 2010.

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