Is the application pool automatically recycled after the appsettings.config file has been changed (and saved)? I'm asking because I want to know whether I should recycle manually or not.

1 Answer 1


Yes. Modifying the appconfig.config file or pushing out a fresh copy of any DLL files will trigger a refresh of the app pool for your application.

  • I have trouble believing this. Wouldn't an app pool refresh kill my Session? I am able to update appSettings.config without doing so.
    – David
    Aug 20, 2012 at 22:42
  • It depends on what was in your session. If you're using SQL Server based sessions, or have some way in your code to start up the session again based on a cookie, then you'll be fine. Otherwise you may have some of your session details (form fields, login name, etc.), but behind the scenes a new session has started.
    – Dillie-O
    Aug 21, 2012 at 13:24

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