How can I use Apache on Ubuntu 11.04 and Webmin to set up a reverse proxy for Webmin's port 10000 to access it through a subfolder like www.example.com/webmin or webmin.example.com?

3 Answers 3


You can use apache's mod_proxy to do this as a virtualhost

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName webmin.yourdomain.com
    ProxyPass / http://servername.tld:10000/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://servername.tld:10000/
<Proxy *>
    allow from all

or as a URL, add the following tto your main virtualhost configuration

ProxyPass /webmin/ http://servername.tld:10000/
ProxyPassReverse /webmin/ http://servername.tld:10000/
<Proxy *>
    allow from all

the servername.tld could be localhost to an IP address


There are specific configuration instructions over here: http://webmin.com/apache.html

You can either run it through Apache completely negating the webmin miniserver or run it through mod_proxy as Ignacio describes.


mod_proxy will allow you to configure httpd as a reverse proxy to other web applications.

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