On Windows XP, I have a program that is trying to hit a hardcoded IP address (10.x.x.x), meant to be on a certain LAN. But my machine is on the 192.x.x.x network. I want to redirect this outbound traffic going to 10.x.x.x to a different IP so the program works. Can I do this at the windows-level?

  • You need a host in the network of and then use that as gateway for the net. With a separate NIC on the XP host you can configure that to be in the net.
    – mailq
    Aug 19, 2011 at 19:45
  • What protocol is it?
    – Paul
    Aug 19, 2011 at 21:41

1 Answer 1


It's a little "ugly" in setup, but should work without the need for additional hardware:

  1. Setup an additional IP assignment on your current NIC configuration which is the actual hard-coded destination address

  2. Download and install http://analogx.com/contents/download/Network/pmapper/Freeware.htm

  3. Configure PortMapper to suit your needs

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