When I type "ifconfig | more" or "ifconfig | less" the output isn't paginated on Solaris (I'm used to Linux and FreeBSD). Is there a way to do this on Solaris 11?

2 Answers 2


The reason is, unlike Linux, ifconfig without options isn't a valid command under Solaris. The equivalent command would be ifconfig -a. If you run it without options, ifconfig displays a help message on its standard error stream.

To have it paginated, simply use:

ifconfig 2>&1 | less

By the way, ifconfig is somewhat obsolete under Solaris 11. I would recommended to use the more powerful ipadm instead.


You may need to properly configure your terminal type, specially if SSHing from a linux box:

export TERM=vt100

  • Thanks, it didn't seem to work. I'm sshing from PuTTY on Win7 box. Dec 10, 2011 at 0:48

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