I have the following script, how do I run it on shutdown in debian linux? (don't want to use GUI)

vms=$(vmrun list | grep '/');
for vm in ${vms}
        echo 'suspending ' $vm
        vmrun suspend $vm soft

I tried adding it to /usr/local/bin with chmod +x permissions. Then I created symbolic links to rc0.d (shutdown) and rc6.d (reboot).

I then did update-rc.d shutdown_vms 0 6 .

When I do shutdown -r now, it switches to console mode to restart....at that point I can see a error message stating shutdown_vms has failed.

I this the proper way to install the shutdown script and why is it failing (where do I look in the logs?)

Edit: I used the command update-rc.d -f shutdown_vms start 0 0 6 .

When I look at the start up list for rc0.d (shutdown), i see that both shutdown_vms, vmware, and gdm are all order of 0. I think if gdm fires before shutdown_vms, it will kill the vms. I think this is what's happening because when I log the number of vms running when the script executes, it logs 0.

Can I change the order of gdm/vmware to 1 so that shutdown_vms run first?

4 Answers 4


This looks like you should put it into a proper init-script as "stop" method. Your current script propably fails, because of an exit-code that is not equal to zero.

Apart from that you should enclose "$()" because your list of vms propably contains white space.

Test your script by sh -x YOURSCRIPT stop.

  • Running that outputs: + vmrun list + grep / + vms= + exit 0
    – firebird
    Dec 30, 2011 at 23:52

try adding: exit 0 under done.

so it looks like gdm does this during the shutdown process. maybe a better way is that you let your vms script test if it really is necessary to go through the shutdown procedure. In that case it does nothing to shutdown a non-existent process. This non-existent process probably caused your error message.

  • Did that, didn't work. Is there anyway to know whether the script failed (some kind of log stored in var)? I ran the script manually and it runs fine
    – firebird
    Dec 30, 2011 at 23:54

Have you named the file starting with a 'K' in the /etc/rc[06].d directories? If you don't then they will not be executed on shutdown.

  • I used update-rc.d -f shutdown_vms start 99 0 6 . which automaticaly puts K01shutdown_vms in /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc6.d, it still doesn't work
    – firebird
    Dec 30, 2011 at 23:53
  • I presume it works when you run it NOT in a shutdown scanario but NOT when in /etc/rc.d directories?
    – mdpc
    Jan 3, 2012 at 5:42

Hmmmm...It would be nice if the failure output could be shown. This would likely easily clearup some things.

One other thought, try putting in a PATH statement right after #!/bin/sh.

 #! /bin/sh
 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:.....<anything else you need>
 export PATH
 .   (rest of script)
 exit 0

I'm not familiar with vmlist.

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