My client wants to run a one-off live podcast on his blog, which is popular enough to land a couple million visits per month. Am I right in imagining that ShoutCast is the best way to handle that?

More importantly, what kind of VPS would we need to serve up to 30k listeners a modest-quality stream?

  • "one-off live podcast" and "visits per month" does not compute, unless this podcast is going to be very, very long.
    – womble
    Apr 1, 2012 at 6:29
  • 2
    It might be that the blog is already very popular and gets the couple million visits per month, now he's going to add a one-off podcast. Apr 1, 2012 at 7:14
  • This question was closed because shopping recommendations are outside of the scope of Server Fault. Please ensure you are familiar with the FAQ.
    – user9517
    Apr 1, 2012 at 7:26

1 Answer 1


You need about 2gbps of bandwidth at 64kbps per client. I doubt your average VPS will do more than 100mbps.

Perhaps load balancing across a few EC2 instances will work for you.


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