I would like Jira and Github to talk to each other so commit messages with ticket names show up in the ticket. Issue sync would be nice as well.

I know jira has a DVCS connector but the documentation is piss poor. From what I can tell that and the Github hooks require our private jira instance to be available from the public internet or at least github's servers. I'd only want to do this to as a last resort.

Does anyone have any suggestions on setting Jira to periodically pull the information from github?

1 Answer 1


End of a bad day and I had a stupid mistake:

  1. Download and install DVCS
  2. Add Jira as an application in one of the admin's accounts on github
  3. Config a repository with the https link but drop the username@ and .git eg: https://[email protected]/owner/repo.git becomes https://github.com/owner/repo
  • I'm still missing the port you need to forward on the firewall :(
    – Tawm
    Oct 23, 2012 at 18:45
  • I don't understand your last point. I'm trying to make this happen since 3 days. Aug 7, 2015 at 9:53

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