I am running some upgrade testing on a computer with Windows SteadyState.

The workflow is "upgrade, write down results, reset to default condition".

However, I can't seem to dig up a button that says, "Reset Windows Now!", which would be handy.

Is there such a thing?


2 Answers 2


I believe that the only way to revert back to the original system state in steady state is to reboot the computer.


You should be able to script this with something like this (setting CurrentMode to WDP_MODE_DISCARD), but AFAIK you would then also have to reboot:

set objWbemServices = GetObject ("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\wmi")
set setWdpObjects   = objWbemServices.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM WDP_Control")

for each objWdp in setWdpObjects
   objWdp.CurrentMode  = WDP_MODE_DISCARD

More info here.

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