In server.xml, at the Connector I specify proxyPort as 80.

Here's the xinetd service:

service http
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        user            = tomcat6
        wait            = no
        bind            =
        port            = 80
        redirect        = 8080
        disable         = no
        flags           = REUSE
        log_type        = FILE /var/log/xinetd_http_access.log
        log_on_success  -= PID HOST DURATION EXIT

        per_source      = UNLIMITED
        instances       = UNLIMITED

Still, in the access logs of Tomcat I see lines like the following: - - [17/Aug/2012:00:23:23 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1975 - - [17/Aug/2012:00:23:23 +0300] "GET /_static/css/global.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -

Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


Can xinetd pass an X-FORWARDED-FOR HTTP header?

If tomcat is behind a reverse proxy (e.g. nginx) that passes X-FORWARDED-FOR, i.e.:

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Then you can set in your tomcat server.xml for the AccessLogValve:

pattern="%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t %r %s %b %{User-Agent}i %{Referer}i"

And you will get the originating IP address of the client in the access log.


  • I guess I wasn't clear: There's xinetd (port 80). It forwards connections to Tomcat (port 8080). That's it.
    – Poni
    Aug 16, 2012 at 21:53
  • 1
    @Poni, Well if you want more than port redirection then you probably need to run a reverse proxy...
    – HTTP500
    Aug 16, 2012 at 21:58
  • Yea, got nginx. Will probably use that, eventually. Was just curious, maybe someone knows better you know.
    – Poni
    Aug 16, 2012 at 22:01

Nope, nothing can be done. You cannot do this with xinetd. It appeared working for me, but then I realize that most of the IP addresses in the log are still

I finally managed to get Tomcat running as (mostly) restricted user using jsvc with the --user option. It is also possible with iptables.

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