Possible Duplicate:
Reverse DNS - how to correctly configure for SMTP delivery

I ran a DNS check and ended up with the following error:

FAIL: Found reverse DNS entries which don't resolves
All IP's reverse DNS entries should resolve back to IP address (MX record's name -> IP -> IP Reverse -> IP). Many mail servers are configured to reject e-mails from IPs with inconsistent reverse DNS configuration.

How do I properly configure and it so it goes to an IP?


2 Answers 2


Contact the provider who assigned the IP address to you. Unless they have delegated reverse DNS to you, then they will have to set it for you.


CloudFlare's New UI: Managing DNS records - CloudFlare blog. You can get an idea from following guide: Configuring Reverse DNS for BIND,

* UPDATE * added CloudFlare link.

  • Can this be done via CloudFlare? Oct 4, 2012 at 19:33
  • 1
    Please add a bit more content to your answer beyond just a link. It might not be necessary to describe everything you read, but your answer should still be useful if that link 404s.
    – Zoredache
    Oct 4, 2012 at 19:57

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