I am trying to forward all requests to a particular hostname to a specific URL.

My virtual host entry looks like:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName test.example.com
    RedirectPermanent / http://another.example.com/path/

This works for anyone going to http://test.example.com. I am trying to add an error handler:

ErrorDocument 404 http://another.example.com/path/

so that any and all requests go to the same server. The problem is that if I request http://test.example.com/foo then the end result is a request to http://another.example.com/path/foo. I tried setting the error document to http://another.example.com/path? but it ignored the ? and still redirected to /path/foo

How do I prevent the path from being added to the error URL?

1 Answer 1


Maybe you just need RedirectMatch permanent ^ http://another.example.com/path/ instead of RedirectPermanent or ErrorDocument.

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