I am trying to submit the job using drqueue's sendjob tool. When doing this from the terminal it works just fine. However, when doing this from cron, I get segmentation fault at libc (2.11.3-4). I tried using strace and I found that when running from cron, it can't open tty. What would the workaround be or maybe there's something else?

  • 1
    if you run the command as yourcommand </dev/null do you get the same segfault?
    – cstamas
    Nov 24, 2012 at 16:02

2 Answers 2


You could try running it screen.

From the screen help (-h):

-dmS name     Start as daemon: Screen session in detached mode.

So something like

screen -dmS some_session_name "/path/to/yourstuff_here"

You can also try preceding the command in your crontab with:

bash --login -c <command>

This runs your command in a separate login shell with the same environment variables as a terminal session.

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