is there a way to change location of /etc/pam.d directory, or is it hardcoded into PAM? can't it be changed with some environment variable for specific client programs?

for example:

PAM_CONFIG_ROOT=/tmp/pam_test_configs pam_client_app

or it can't be done for some reason I don't see now?

2 Answers 2


The pam(8) manual page says explicitly that it considers /etc/pam.conf but only if /etc/pam.d/ doesn't exist. No mention whatsoever of alternative places. The definite guide is here.

Either arrange for your modules to be called only by you, or use a virtual machine set up for testing.


I looked into the Linux PAM sources. /etc/pam.conf, /etc/pam.d are hardcoded there. :(

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