I am able to configure the heartbeat for two machines at same network. Properly set&configure ha.conf and haresources.

I would like to know how I can establish same configuration for two machines located at different network. I mean Machine 1 IP: Machine 2 IP: Machine VIP:

One solution is to establish VPN connection with two networks. But I wonder if it is possible to configure heartbeat system without any component.

Using Ubuntu 12.04 as a platform.

1 Answer 1


Heartbeat is broadcast UDP traffic, and while broadcast traffic is routable, it isn't usually over routers you do not control, unless you use a VPN, or some other sort if tunnel.

  • There should be a solution in case of failure sceneario in order to move the service other location such as different city. I keep searching a way of doing this. Your answer is acceptable by the day of me finding a acceptable solution. Thanks. Apr 11, 2013 at 6:37

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