I am getting a little confused with Nagios timers.

Whilst testing, I set a failure that was not picked up for around 5 minutes. I am not much more than pings and http checks and I really want to step up the timers.

I have seen the main interval_length by default is set to 60 and I set this to 10, along with changing check_interval on a single object to 1 (nothing on inheritance).

What I don't get is that clicking on the host itself seems to show that the difference between Last Check Time and Next Scheduled Active Check is 30 seconds, along with the Last Update happening once every 10 seconds.

I am just not sure what is going on here!

Can anyone recommend the correct way for going about doing a ping every 10 seconds or any other way to achieve much lower times between checks?

Edit - found check_result_reaper_frequency=10 in the nagios.cfg file and now understand why the last update is every 10 seconds... Still puzzled about the delay between actual checks, so, leaving question open.

  • Those are very aggressive check times. is it possible that with those definitions your server cannot keep up with the schedule demands? Take a look at the Scheduling Queue (near bottom of menu) to see if it is falling behind.
    – uSlackr
    Jul 3, 2012 at 11:06
  • @Uslackr - I am not really sure how to interpret that page... it looks alright as far as I can tell... The server certainly has the horsepower to do more than it is, I really want to know if I have used the correct settings or if I should be doing something else? Jul 3, 2012 at 12:29
  • How about the retry_interval?
    – quanta
    Jul 5, 2012 at 7:17

1 Answer 1


You Edit file nagios.cfg

sudo vim /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

service_check_timeout=10 #60

host_check_timeout=5 #30

Because Check HOST ALERT based on timeout, but Check Host Alert is Correct, and Check Service Alert not correct. :D

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