
I have a Windows Server 2012 R2. I have 500GB from 2 SSD drives. I currently have 7GB disk space. I have ran CCleaner but there was no change.

I keep only the main files on the disks and I had a good 50GB of disk space free awhile ago.

Is there a way I can run powershell or figure out where my space is being used like you can in Linux?

2 Answers 2


The easiest approach is probably to check with a graphical utility like WinDirStat.

  • WinDirStat is great, +1!
    – jski
    Jul 23, 2014 at 0:55

If your not running core, TreeSize Free is my fav.

But if your looking for Linux's du like results in powershell:

gci . | %{$f=$_; gci -r $_.FullName | measure-object -property length -sum | select @{Name="Name"; Expression={$f}} , @{Name="Sum (MB)"; Expression={ "{0:N3}" -f ($_.sum / 1MB) }}, Sum } | sort Sum -desc | format-table -Property Name,"Sum (MB)", Sum -autosize

It's From here I remember using it ages ago, certainly slower and not as powerful as du. But it is a one liner.

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