I am trying to use Lab Manager with System Center Virtual Machine Manager R2.

This is the error message I get when I try to Configure the SCVMM setting in TFS admin Console:

Team Foundation Services are not available from server MyTFS2010Server.
Technical information (for adminstrator):
  Method not found: 'Void

Any ideas on how to get around this issue?

Am I going to have to uninstall SCVMM R2 and go back to R1? Think link make me think so.

If anyone knows a workaround to this I would love to hear it! (If not I would also take advice on downgrading to SCVMM R1.)

1 Answer 1


Grrrr, I wish I had known that this incompatibility existed.

I am uninstalling R2 and installing R1.

  • R1 cannot have hosts that are Windows Server 2008 R2. That means if you use R1 then you have to go back to Windows Server 2008 (R1)
    – Vaccano
    Sep 16, 2009 at 21:05

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