I am trying to configure the LAN settings of a Windows 2008 server remotely via netsh. I've been trying this command (issued at the client) assuming the IP address of the server is

netsh -r  -u\Administrator -p password lan show config

but I keep getting the following message:

WARNING: Could not obtain host information from machine []. Some commands may not be available.

The RPC server is unavailable.

Am I understanding the command above properly? Is there a step or two that I missed in setting this up?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. The Routing and Remove Access service on the server is enabled.


3 Answers 3


If routing and remote access is enabled and you're still getting an RPC error it may be the OS' firewall at play. I vaguely remember something like this when messing with Server Core installs. If you have physical access to the server, just to test, try

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

And try the command again.

If that fixes it then you'll need to punch a hole in the firewall for the RPC server (port 135 if I'm not mistaken).


I'm also looking for a similar solution. has anything ever been found for this?

I need to be able to change the IP address, gateway and DNS server information on a group of remote servers. It appears that netsh should support this, but I'm having the same problems as the original poster -- I'm receiving the message that "some commands may not be available".


Ensure that "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks" is enabled in your network connection properties.

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