Searching for information about a particular Windows process typically turns up sites (like processlibrary.com, liutilities.com, process-info.org, etc) that are less than helpful, all seem to be copies of themselves and often ... sketchy.

Does anyone have a better recommendation for researching Windows process information?

(Not the tools to discover what processes are currently running, but the resources to learn more about what they might be.)


1 Answer 1


The best one that I have used in the past is http://answersthatwork.com/

  • I was kind of hoping for a more community driven site. Though not as sketchy as most, this one still reads as a big advertisement for their Ultimate Troubleshooter software. Aug 29, 2011 at 16:01
  • The problem with community driven sites for this sort of thing is that they tend to not always be populated by people who know what they're talking about. It is a bit of an advertisement, but it's pretty accurate most of the time.
    – Aaron
    Aug 29, 2011 at 17:09

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