Is there any way to connect the root of a domain name to a dyndns account? This question reveals how to get www.whatever.com to point to dyndns, but is there a way to get whatever.com itself to point to it?

The domain is registered with GoDaddy if that matters.

  • 1
    "root" is not the proper word (in the DNS, it means the root of all domains, where TLD like .COM or .FR are delegated). "apex" is the right one.
    – bortzmeyer
    Jun 7, 2010 at 9:28

3 Answers 3


This is only possible if you delegate complete control of the domain name to a compatible dynamic DNS provider.

The reason for this is that (as you've found) it's not possible to CNAME the apex of your domain to point at a third party dynamic service, because you have to have NS records and SOA records there too, and they can't co-exist with a CNAME.

Hence what you'd need is a DNS provider who will not only host the dynamic entry, but also host the NS and SOA records too.


Some dynamic DNS services (such as the one I run, DtDNS), allow you to link the A record for the base domain to the dynamic IP address, just like you would with a hostname provided by the DNS service. I believe DynDNS.com allows this, as do some other DNS providers.

If you're hosting your DNS with a static DNS provider like GoDaddy, you will not be able to use a CNAME record on the base domain to link it up with a dynamic hostname elsewhere like you can with hostsnames like 'www' (as you mentioned).


DynDNS offers a pro account that does this. We use it and its fantastic (just like their other services).

Highly recommend.

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