After installing Windows XP Professional and running updates that include IE8 I am receiving this error message when trying to open Windows Updates. I've tried install twice on the same machine with the same errors. I have other machines of the same exact hardware and installation process with no issues. Any thoughts?

  • Was this an imaged machine or a fresh install?
    – DanBig
    Jun 23, 2010 at 16:53
  • Fresh install - no images
    – Jeff
    Jun 24, 2010 at 1:14

1 Answer 1


Microsoft has broken updates today. After more time more and more machines I was updating starting failing the same way. After choosing to Uninstall IE8 from the machine the error cleared. I was then able to continue with updates. A very odd issue. Who knows what Microsoft broke today but let's hope it gets fixed soon.

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