I am getting the following error when attempting to activate the Sharepoint Server Publishing Infrastructure. There are only about 140 columns defined in the entire site collection.

I had previously activated and subsequently deactivated this feature. I don't know whether this might be causing the problem. But I really have no idea.

I am a developer and this is my first question on serverFault. Please be gentle.

Error Message:

Column Limit Exceeded.

There are too many columns of the specified data type. Please delete some other columns first. Note that some column types like numbers and currency use the same data type.

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Correlation ID: 2ec9ae3a-5464-4922-9760-874099f51420

Date and Time: 11/8/2010 3:43:44 PMDate and Time: 11/8/2010 3:43:44 PM

  • Since you say Sharepoint Foundation, I guess that indicates you are using Sharepoint 2010 here.
    – dunxd
    Nov 22, 2010 at 13:49

1 Answer 1



There are limits on the number of columns by data type, which is apparently what you're running up against.

I found a table listing the per data type limitations on SharePoint lists as well as the size of each column type here (scroll down to the Column Limits section). Aside from the individual data type limits, the sum total of all columns in a SharePoint 2010 list cannot exceed 8,000 bytes.

As far as why you would have been able to enable this previously, I'm not entirely sure.

(I realize this is about 4 months late, but hopefully it will help someone)

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