Assume, I am having 2 ec2 accounts (say A and B), both have different list of security groups. Now I want to open a particular port (say 80) for an instance running in account A, to account B. ie, I want to only allow account B instances, to access account A's 80 port. Could any one update me, is there a way to do this.??

Additionally, may I access account A's instance from account B's instance by using its private ip address/host name ??

Thanks in Advance,

1 Answer 1


This is easily achievable in the command line... and making use of the ec2 tools. Its not available within the AWS management console.

ec2-authorize --help

./ec2-authorize [AWS security group that the firewall hole will be poked into] -K [AWS pk-.pem of the account where the firewall hole is to be made] -C [AWS cert.pem of the account where the firewall hole is to be made] --region=[region] -P tcp -o [security group name of AWS account you want to allow access to] -u [account ID number - of the AWS account which you want to allow access to] -p [port number range. or single port numnber]

And that's it. Look at AWS doc's for more information on ec2 tools to install etc if you don't know what they are.

Thats all you need, Cheers

  • thanks for your info.. just a confirmation, whether the [AWS security group that the firewall hole will be poked into] can be of different account .. am I correct..??
    – rahul
    Feb 15, 2011 at 14:40
  • thanks for your informations. I can open particular port to other accounts by using your steps thanks..
    – rahul
    Feb 15, 2011 at 16:09
  • rahul, since the answer was correct, please mark it as correct.
    – daveadams
    Feb 15, 2011 at 16:47

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