So i've just received an Intel S5500BC motherboard in an Intel chassis. I'm not sure how to upgrade the BIOS in it. First of all I have Windows 2008 R2 (SP1) installed. So I thought I might try downloading the Intel update program


I then extracted that and ran Windows_OFU970_B17\OFU\Setup_Win.exe .. which copied a bunch of files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Flashupdt.

Now, in the command line, when I try to run Flashupdt.exe .. it's asking for a flash/bios (config?) file. er.........................................

this is where I'm stuck. What file is this? and where do i grab it from?

Clarrification (for the person who voted to close) - This mother board is a SERVER motherboard

  • Did you read the instructions on the Intel page from which you downloaded the update? Mar 28, 2011 at 8:20

2 Answers 2


I figured it out :)

I could use EFI to upgrade but I had windows already installed, so I follow the instructions here about how to upgrade.




According to the short look I just took, this mainboard doesn't have a BIOS. It's using the more modern EFI instead.

Find infos, including a demo for the update, here.

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