The FAQ seems to suggest that you can't have more than 5 replicas. Is there any workaround?

  • 1
    The FAQ doesn't seem to suggest that, it says it very plainly. Perhaps you could outline why this isn't sufficient so suggested solutions apply to your use case.
    – Caleb
    May 3, 2011 at 8:26
  • Best to ask Amazon directly on their forums. The alternative is to build your own database, though that can be an endeavor.
    – Flashman
    May 4, 2011 at 14:22

1 Answer 1


No. Amazon only allows you to create up to 5 replicas, and need to be launched one by one.

If You need more than 5 you can create a Master-slave configuration using EC instances, then you can have as many replicas as you want.

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