I have two production servers (Windows Server 2008, Terminal Servers) and I would like to enable PowerShell remoting commands on those servers. Is there a security threat one should consider before running

Enable-PSRemoting -force

on these servers?

1 Answer 1


Yes, absolutely - but that's true of every remote management method that's ever existed.

Where you're exposing it to and what hosts you're allowing to connect is a big factor in the risk - allowing anyone on the internet to connect is much less safe than a select few hosts on your LAN. It's also worth bearing in mind that it's a pretty new protocol, and it's bound to have some vulnerabilities discovered at some point.

Whether you should or should not do it is ultimately a decision that needs to be made based on the exact deployment that you're planning and your organization's tolerance for risk; we're not really in a position to make recommendations.

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