We are currently hosting an important site in the US with a CloudFlare pro subscription.

Since most of the people that visit the site are from Argentina, we are considering migrating the server to Argentina but we are unsure of we should keep CloudFlare enabled.

Any thoughts or ideas?

  • I'm only interested in knowing the performance difference
  • Their edge servers seem to be detailed here and it seems they don't have anything in latam.
  • 1
    Sounds like something you should ask Cloudflare directly? My guess is that the answer would depend on how close their edge servers were to Argentina. Oct 31, 2011 at 19:55
  • Have you done a risk and benefit analysis?
    – mailq
    Oct 31, 2011 at 20:07
  • Phil, I did and currently waiting for their answer. I wanted to get informed first, I'm not sure they will be 100% honest. @mailq Since this question will influence whether to migrate to Argentina or not, I'm not able yet to test this out. Oct 31, 2011 at 20:21

1 Answer 1


We would generally still help speed things up and we'll definitely still cut things down like forum or comment spam.

That being said, we currently don't have datacenters in South America & visitors would currently get routed to a datacenter in the United States (we're exploring the possibility of adding a datacenter in South America). Some visitors might see increased latency because of this.

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