Can you perform audits on Route53 to see what was changed in the DNS records? Can you block access to route53 using IAM? I ask this because it wasn't possible a year ago.

2 Answers 2


Can you perform audits on Route53 to see what was changed in the DNS records?

If you mean who changed what, you can use

Cloudtrail (it logs everything from all AWS services): http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/logging-using-cloudtrail.html

AWS Config: https://aws.amazon.com/config/

If you just want to check what changed you can run tests using either:

AWS CLI or Console: https://www.cloudconformity.com/conformity-rules/Route53/sender-policy-framework-record-present.html

CLI53 Tool: https://github.com/barnybug/cli53


Yes, you can provide an IAM policy that excludes Route53.

No, I'm not aware of any built-in auditing. You could, though, set something up via the APIs to periodically export your records and audit changes on your end.

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