Does the mod_jk module reads .htaccess, i know mod_proxy dont if you did something like this

ProxyPass / http://localhost:9080/

since you will be passing everything to the tomcat container. Will doing the same with JkMount work, e.g.

JkMount /ajp13
JkMount /* ajp13

Does it parse only jsp(even if i didnt specify explicilty) and leave the rest to apache, i would like to know how it internally work.

1 Answer 1


No; proxied requests aren't mapped to filesystem locations, so the DocumentRoot and any .htaccess files in it don't apply.

The directives in your .htaccess should be placed in a <Location> block instead.

  • what about JKMount, how does it internally work, i know it lets apache handles the .htaccess Jan 6, 2013 at 1:43

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