There are two internal domains, domainA and domainB at my workplace. I could remote into machines from either domains by using respective credentials.

My doubt is if I create a shared folder on domainA with read access to everyone for e.g., \\server1.domainA.net\sharedfolder. Will I be able to access this folder by just entering the path likewise from any machine in domainB without entering credentials.

  • On second thought, I'm not sure I want to get in to this.
    – Ryan Ries
    Jun 27, 2013 at 0:20
  • So, was the answer a guess or there is a slight ambiguity so that I can provide more information.
    – Sundeep
    Jun 27, 2013 at 0:22
  • It was the 'Everyone' bit that I'd have to test before I could provide a positive answer. When DomainA trusts DomainB, DomainA trusts the authentication mechanisms of DomainB. There, SSO works. But anonymous files shares are sort of a complicated thing which is what made me less confident in my answer.
    – Ryan Ries
    Jun 27, 2013 at 0:25
  • Yes, idea is not to have the credentials window to popup since it has permissions set to everyone. Our development servers are in same env. but this situation arise in UAT which is under release team control. So, it is becoming difficult to test.
    – Sundeep
    Jun 27, 2013 at 0:33

2 Answers 2


You'll need to edit local security policy on server1 to allow anonymous users to be a part of the "Everyone" group. (Computer Configuration -> Windows settings -> Security settings -> local policies -> Security Options -> Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users)



You'll need to use Anonymous Users in the NTFS permissions instead of Everyone. This is because starting with Win 2k3 the Everyone group no longer includes Anonymous Users.

See Anonymous Users and Traverse Checking

You could Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users by enabled the Group Policy Setting @ Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options, but that may be more than you want to open up for this.

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