
I'm trying to create a script that allows the user to choose which proxy settings want to use among several possible. The changes are applied correctly but takes about 20 or 30 seconds to appear at the proxy settings of Internet Explorer. My scripts are called from a .bat process running as administrator. Any idea?

  • Hello and welcome to serverfault. Please take the time to read your question again and ask yourself if someone knowing nothing about your situation has all the element to start troubleshooting. Thereafter, please adds the (numerous) missing details and you might get an answer.
    – Stephane
    Sep 20, 2013 at 9:13

1 Answer 1


Sorry, @Stephane you're right. First I'll start by scripts that I am using:


@echo off
rem Programa: cambioProxy.bat

set ruta=%0
cd %ruta:~0,-16% 

  echo -------------------------
  echo A. Proxy proxy1
  echo B. Proxy proxy2
  echo S. Salir

  choice /C abs /n /T 15 /D S /M "Seleccione Proxy "
  if errorlevel 3 goto Salir
  if errorlevel 2 goto proxy2
  if errorlevel 1 goto proxy1
  if errorlevel 0 goto Menu

    takeown /F %ruta:~0,-16%\proxy1.vbs
    echo Cambio de Proxy Realizado a proxy1
  goto Menu
    takeown /F %ruta:~0,-16%\proxy2.vbs
    echo Cambio de Proxy Realizado a proxy2
  goto Menu

These are the scripts. Are identical, except for the server and port, then I'll change exceptions


dim strProxyServer 

' define el proxy y el puerto si es necesario
strProxyServer = "proxy1:8080"

' ubicacion en la registry
dim strRegPath
strRegPath = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\"
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' modifica las entradas en el registro
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "ProxyEnable", "00000001", "REG_DWORD")
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "ProxyOverride", "localhost;webmail.*;", "REG_SZ")
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "ProxyServer", strProxyServer, "REG_SZ")
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "AutoConfigURL", "", "REG_SZ")

' notificacion
Msgbox "Proxy setting enabled. " & VbCrLf & "Server - " & strProxyServer
' destroy    
Set oWshShell = Nothing 


dim strProxyServer 

' define el proxy y el puerto si es necesario
strProxyServer = "proxy2:80"

' ubicacion en la registry
dim strRegPath
strRegPath = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\"
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' modifica las entradas en el registro
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "ProxyEnable", "00000001", "REG_DWORD")
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "ProxyOverride", "localhost;", "REG_SZ")
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "ProxyServer", strProxyServer, "REG_SZ")
Call oWshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath & "AutoConfigURL", "", "REG_SZ")

' notificacion
Msgbox "Proxy setting enabled. " & VbCrLf & "Server - " & strProxyServer
' destroy    
Set oWshShell = Nothing

My SO is Windows 7 Professional.Don't know if there's anything else I can add

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