
I am trying to figure out how someone backed up our database. We had a person working for us who was able to backup the database on a server without having mysql client or mysqldump installed on the server. I can find the .sql files created by the dumps he made, but I can not figure out what he did to create them. It's a Solaris server with coolstack mysql server installed on it. I'd really like to be able to replicate what he was doing.

  • Listing all the possible ways to generate .sql files from the contents of a database is the very definition of "too broad" -- Your best bet is to contact your former employee and ask them what they did...
    – voretaq7
    Sep 23, 2013 at 15:27

1 Answer 1


Are you sure the backup was being run on the same machine as the database server? mysqldump is quite happy connecting to a remote database and backing it up that way.

The other question I'd have is whether it makes sense to replicate a method of backing up which isn't easily understood, especially if that data is valuable. The last thing you want when restoring a dead server is confusion!

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