I have backed up the contents of /etc/xen/ and /var/lib/xen and have installed Ubuntu 12.04 hoping to migrate off of CentOS.

I am attempting to test some of these images and am receiving some odd errors. Firstly after I startup vm-0 from an old configuration I see this:

Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0 68654    24     r-----     28.3
vm-0                                         1  4096     1     --p---      0.0

The command used to start the domain was xm create vm-0 which is what would have started the VM on CentOS. I also tried with the "xl" toolset but maybe that is something to migrate to after I get the older vm's working.

Bottom line, does it seem as though backing up the images from /var/lib/xen and /etc/xen for configurations on CentOS would work on Ubuntu or am I heading down a horrible path. My other option is to go back and reinstall CentOS and backup the images in another fashion.

  • I see nothing wong with your path. Did you try to open the console on that vm-0 and then unpause it xm unpause vm-0? Is this a HVM (Windows) DomU?
    – Nils
    Dec 30, 2013 at 10:05
  • I actually was unable to migrate these in a timely fashion. I was using a CentOS based Dom0 and DomU. I now have migrated and set everything up on a Ubuntu 12.04 Dom0 and DomU. Jan 8, 2014 at 3:25


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