The problem is following: I have an index.html file that is located under /www/site/ and I want to be able to serve all appropriate content from that folder under custom port lets say :8085. It is also only accessible through ProxyPass. Configurations look like this:

site.dev in /available-sites folder:

Listen 8085

<VirtualHost *:8085>
    DocumentRoot "/www/site"
    ServerName site.dev
    ServerAlias site.dev

    <Directory "/www/site">
        AllowOverride All
        Allow from all

And the httpd.conf looks like this:

ProxyPass /site http://localhost:8085/site
ProxyPassReverse /site http://localhost:8085/site

After setting this kind of configuration the server is not responding and error.log file is filled with:

proxy: HTTP: disabled connection for (site.dev)
ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (site.dev)
caught SIGTERM, shutting down
server reached MaxClients settings ....

I am running Ubuntu with latest Apache2. Any ideas how this kind of configuration could work?


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