I have a problem with gettnig attache/upload to work on our support system.

We're running a IIS6+PHP5+MySQL setup for Kayako's SupportSuite, and everything is running just fine, except the upload/attachment function. When trying to attach a file to a ticket-reply the browser just "thinks" for a while then display an "cannot display the webpage" type of error page. My guess is that the request times out, without anything being uploaded.

I have no experience with running PHP on IIS before, so I might have missed some vital configuration when setting it up.

Does anyone have a off-the-top-of-my-head idea of what could be wrong?

1 Answer 1



The IIS worker process that runs the PHP interpreter needs write access to the folder where it's going to save uploaded files.

  • IIS_WPG and Internet Guest Account have write permission on the folder. Is there any other process/user that need access? Shouldn't I get a "forbidden" error code if the process wasn't permitted to write?
    – Marcus L
    Sep 2, 2009 at 10:24
  • 1
    Which identity is the application pool configured to run as? If it's using the default, then it's NETWORK SERVICE; you should grant write access to that.
    – Massimo
    Sep 2, 2009 at 11:12
  • "Forbidden" is returned when the client can't do something; but in this case the client is simply requesting the execution of a script, it's the script itself that gets an error from the underlying O.S.; the most common result would be a 500 error, unless there's proper exception handling in the script.
    – Massimo
    Sep 2, 2009 at 11:14
  • You might be on to something with the application pool and NETWORK SERVICES. I'll give it a shot.
    – Marcus L
    Sep 2, 2009 at 13:03
  • I'll mark this as correct, but I ended up getting so tired of it that I switched to Apache instead...
    – Marcus L
    Sep 3, 2009 at 12:20

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